U.S. Open Champion Cody Brewer & Ocean Springs H.S. (Miss.) coach Jay Snow – OTM569

12 mag 2019 · 1 h 19 min. 53 sec.
U.S. Open Champion Cody Brewer & Ocean Springs H.S. (Miss.) coach Jay Snow – OTM569

U.S. Open champion and four-time All-American Cody Brewer goes On The Mat New Virginia Tech assistant coach, four-time NCAA wrestling All-American, 2015 NCAA champion, and recent U.S. Open champion Cody...

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U.S. Open champion and four-time All-American Cody Brewer goes On The Mat

New Virginia Tech assistant coach, four-time NCAA wrestling All-American, 2015 NCAA champion, and recent U.S. Open champion Cody Brewer is next up On The Mat. Jay Snow, the coach of Mississippi's lone high school team, Ocean Springs, also joins the program. Join Andy Hamilton and Kyle Klingman as they talk to our guests and topics related to the recent happenings in and around wrestling.

Show Segments
0:30 - Andrew "Excalibur" Hamilton.
0:45 - Tracking down Jay Snow, the coach of the only H.S. wrestling program in Mississippi.
4:45 - Previewing the show's guests, Jay Snow and Cody Brewer.
6:00 - Chatting Beat The Streets
15:00 - Top 5/Top 20 guys all-time out of the current crop of world champions
18:55 - Jay Snow Interview & Ocean Springs H.S. wrestling
42:00 - Kyle thinks Andy can last longer than 10 seconds against J'den Cox
43:00 - He did not qualify - comparing baseball to wrestling? Or croquet?
47:20 - Cody Brewer Interview
1:14:00 - Inspiring guests

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Autore Jason Bryant
Organizzazione Mat Talk Online - Jason Bryant
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