
U & A 8 - DIY

25 set 2023 · 27 min. 31 sec.
U & A 8 - DIY

Stephanie and Katie talk about home owning and how Stephanie fixed her flooring istead of replacing it. Katie talks about the things she has been doing around her new home...

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Stephanie and Katie talk about home owning and how Stephanie fixed her flooring istead of replacing it. Katie talks about the things she has been doing around her new home and you have to hear about the disaster in her kitchen that involved three feet of water! They discuss how men and women look at projects differently, how gender determines the chores. Stephanie says she would rather weed whack instead of do laundry! Both Stephanie and Katie are not procrastinators and do not appreciate when guys put projects off! They address guys being told, “Be a man!” What does that mean? Be primal? Fight? Is it ok for a guy to show emotion? Stephanie and Katie think showing emotion is good, it is much better than displaying anger, but, Katie does not want a man who is crying everyday! Enjoy!
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Autore Bill Moran
Organizzazione Bill Moran
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