
U & A 5 - Golden Bachelor

21 ago 2023 · 34 min. 13 sec.
U & A 5 - Golden Bachelor

Stephanie and Katie discuss the difficulties of being a single Mom from fianances, to friendships to dating. The Golden Bachelor has grabbed their attention and they debate if they would...

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Stephanie and Katie discuss the difficulties of being a single Mom from fianances, to friendships to dating. The Golden Bachelor has grabbed their attention and they debate if they would date a man who had cosmetic procedures done to his face. They are very open about themselves, but wonder how to tell a friend to tone it down with botox and fillers. Stephanie explains how she got injured on a boat recently, in typical Stephanie fashion. More about the Golden Bachelor with a clip of him being revealed. Stephanie thinks this older gentleman may have his mind blown by women today! Enjoy!
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Autore Bill Moran
Organizzazione Bill Moran
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