TX-17 Candidate Jason “Storm” Nelson Forced Out of Military Just Months Short of Retirement Due to Vax Mandate

28 gen 2022 · 40 min. 13 sec.
TX-17 Candidate Jason “Storm” Nelson Forced Out of Military Just Months Short of Retirement Due to Vax Mandate

Jason “Storm” Nelson is running for Congress in TX-17, challenging establishment Republican Pete Sessions for the seat. Nelson shares how the vaccine mandates in the military is forcing him to...

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Jason “Storm” Nelson is running for Congress in TX-17, challenging establishment Republican Pete Sessions for the seat. Nelson shares how the vaccine mandates in the military is forcing him to leave active duty just months before full retirement benefits, where he fought for our country and became permanently disabled from combat service. We discuss vaccine mandates, foreign policy and election fraud through this conversation.

For more information on Jason Nelson’s campaign and to get involved or donate, please visit jasonnelsonforcongress.com.


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Autore Maverick Broadcasting Network
Organizzazione JD Rucker
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