Two Brown Girls Talk about Grief and Being a PoC In the U.S.

16 giu 2020 · 1 h 37 min. 7 sec.
Two Brown Girls Talk about Grief and Being a PoC In the U.S.

Did you know Citizen: Grief. is produced, hosted, and was created by an Indian-American woman? As a first-generation Desi, she wanted to spend some time addressing current events. She brought...

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Did you know Citizen: Grief. is produced, hosted, and was created by an Indian-American woman? As a first-generation Desi, she wanted to spend some time addressing current events. She brought a friend with her, Tara Ashraf, a Pakistani-American who runs a blog called, In-Between American. This episode is full of humor, wit, honesty. It explores grief, as she is grieving her mother and your host, Grief and the Modern Girl is mourning her brother, what it means to be brown in the United States of America, and what we can do to become better allies to Black Americans fighting for their rights. It's a long episode, so Part 2 is coming that delves more into the #BML movement and what Desi Americans can do to find their place in this fight and how to be a better supporter and will be on a spinoff podcast yet to come.
Check the blog - - for the episode notes that has resources, more details, and explanations that help clarify some of the vocabularies used that might be new to some of you! Thanks for listening!
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Autore Grief & The Modern Girl
Organizzazione Grief & The Modern Girl
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