Trailer: Welcome to Lirica, the podcast about Italy’s cultural heritage

10 gen 2022 · 36 sec.
Trailer: Welcome to Lirica, the podcast about Italy’s cultural heritage

Welcome to Lirica, the podcast about Italy’s cultural heritage. We’ll tell you about works of art and artists, musical masterpieces and musicians; we’ll visit incredible places and meet characters from...

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Welcome to Lirica, the podcast about Italy’s cultural heritage. We’ll tell you about works of art and artists, musical masterpieces and musicians; we’ll visit incredible places and meet characters from every era; they’ll tell us about their lives, and even a bit about our own; because culture is simple when it speaks the language of beauty.

If you want to learn more about the things we’ve talked about today or find out more about our project, visit our website at or our social media profiles at liricamusicart.

Lirica is a project promoted by Voxfarm and financed by LazioInnova as part of the FESR LAZIO 2014/2020 regional operating programme.

©️ illustration Gianluigi Toccafondo
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