The Woodshed Podcast 80 with Chris Steele

16 feb 2021 · 1 h 37 min. 30 sec.
The Woodshed Podcast 80 with Chris Steele

Chris Steele is a Massachusetts-based songwriter, singer, and rock musician. Depending on the day, Chris might be solo with an acoustic guitar in Edmonton, Alberta, jamming out with friends at...

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Chris Steele is a Massachusetts-based songwriter, singer, and rock musician. Depending on the day, Chris might be solo with an acoustic guitar in Edmonton, Alberta, jamming out with friends at a pizza joint in Newton, livestreaming online, or putting down new rock tracks in the studio.

My music comes from a love of classic rock, influenced by 90’s grunge and post-grunge, and then filtered through the mind of a poet who travels too much.
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Autore Aaron Tornberg
Organizzazione Aaron Tornberg
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