The Woodshed Podcast 76 featuring Jason Campbell

18 mag 2020 · 1 h 34 min. 17 sec.
The Woodshed Podcast 76 featuring Jason Campbell

Jason Campbell was born in Billerica, MA and has spent his life in New England. He has a degree in Illustration and is self-employed as a Typographic Designer. He also...

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Jason Campbell was born in Billerica, MA and has spent his life in New England. He has a degree in Illustration and is self-employed as a Typographic Designer. He also paints, draws pencil portraits and publishes web cartoons. He has been a blues enthusiast for decades, some of his favorite artists are Paul Rishell and Annie Raines, Charlie Musselwhite and Guy Davis. When not listening to other blues artists he plays harmonica and sings at area Open Mics and Open Blues Jams. In whatever free time he can squeeze in he writes adventures for Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.
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Autore Aaron Tornberg
Organizzazione Aaron Tornberg
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