
The Untold Truth About Nose Job Revisions

15 mag 2024 · 19 min. 10 sec.
The Untold Truth About Nose Job Revisions

Thousands of people get a rhinoplasty and end up unhappy with the results of their initial nose surgery. The reality is, noses are one of plastic surgery's most complicated procedures,...

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Thousands of people get a rhinoplasty and end up unhappy with the results of their initial nose surgery. The reality is, noses are one of plastic surgery's most complicated procedures, and most surgeons don't do rhinoplasty. There are even fewer who will do a revision. What do you do if you are unhappy and need a revision? Are you a realistic candidate for a revision rhinoplasty? Listen to this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored as Dr. Rahban takes a deep dive into this topic with a realistic breakdown of the procedure, the pitfalls, and the importance of getting multiple evaluations before making your final decision the second time around.  

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Autore Rady Rahban MD
Organizzazione Rady Rahban
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