
The State of Mind of Pushing Frontline Healthcare Workers to Their Breaking Point w/Catie Harris

27 set 2023 · 27 min. 34 sec.
The State of Mind of Pushing Frontline Healthcare Workers to Their Breaking Point w/Catie Harris

Nurses are undoubtably the unsung heroes of the medical field. But how do they protect themselves from what must be a unique form of burnout? Catie Harris built an entire...

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Nurses are undoubtably the unsung heroes of the medical field. But how do they protect themselves from what must be a unique form of burnout? Catie Harris built an entire world to answer that question with her business NursePreneurs.

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PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this podcast is not at any time and for any reason meant to replace the guidance and/or treatment of any health professional. Whether it be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or anyone in the medical field. If you are under the care of such a health professional, remember this is an “added value” and not designed to replace any care you are currently under.
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Autore Julie Brain Lady Anderson
Organizzazione Women Entrepreneurs
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