“The Second Coming” with writer Mark Russell

23 lug 2019 · 16 min. 41 sec.
“The Second Coming” with writer Mark Russell

On today’s Nerdtastically Newsworthy episode of #NerdORama - Eisner-nominated comic book writer Mark Russell; the author behind such titles as “The Flintstones”, “Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepus Chronicles, Red Sonja...

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On today’s Nerdtastically Newsworthy episode of #NerdORama - Eisner-nominated comic book writer Mark Russell; the author behind such titles as “The Flintstones”, “Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepus Chronicles, Red Sonja and more, joins the program to discuss his controversial, satirical comic book “The Second Coming” wherein “God commands Earth’s mightiest superhero, Sunstar, to accept Jesus Christ as his roommate and teach him how to use His power His power in a... more powerful way!”
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