The Richard Syrett Show - Oct 18, 2022 - Anti-Convoy Witnesses Complaining at Inquiry, & Kyle Kemper on his Half-Brother Justin Trudeau

18 ott 2022 · 1 h 15 min. 55 sec.
The Richard Syrett Show - Oct 18, 2022 - Anti-Convoy Witnesses Complaining at Inquiry, & Kyle Kemper on his Half-Brother Justin Trudeau

Today on the Richard Syrett Show: Senior correspondent for The National Telegraph, Wyatt Claypool talks about the anti-convoy witnesses complaining at the Emergencies Act inquiry. Tom Korski, managing editor at...

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Today on the Richard Syrett Show: Senior correspondent for The National Telegraph, Wyatt Claypool talks about the anti-convoy witnesses complaining at the Emergencies Act inquiry. Tom Korski, managing editor at Blacklocks explains how the Freedom Convoy agreed to withdraw. Then Ruth Gaskovski, The Home School Advisor discusses her recent lesson on “how to butcher a deer”.

Marketing advisor for Raze Finance, Kyle Kemper on his half brother Justin Trudeau. Brad Hunter, Journalist for the Toronto Sun brings up the sex offender who IDs as a women being busted for a shelter attack. Then Ahmed Kassad, public school board trustee candidate for Kitchener shares who he is and his platform.
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