
The Richard Syrett Show - Apr 28, 2023 - Pornographic Novels Distributed in Schools, Bill C-11, & Uneasiness with Cabinet Defining Fake News

28 apr 2023 · 1 h 21 min. 19 sec.
The Richard Syrett Show - Apr 28, 2023 - Pornographic Novels Distributed in Schools, Bill C-11, & Uneasiness with Cabinet Defining Fake News

Today on The Richard Syrett Show: Rebel News host David Menzies asks why are pornographic novels being distributed at elementary schools in Durham. The Sofa Cinefile Chris Geratano talks about...

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Today on The Richard Syrett Show: Rebel News host David Menzies asks why are pornographic novels being distributed at elementary schools in Durham. The Sofa Cinefile Chris Geratano talks about the film “Cool Hand Luke”, while the LimRiddler gives you this week’s riddle. Senator Leo Housakos shares his thoughts on Bill C-11. Managing editor at Blacklocks Tom Korski explains how Canadians are uneasy with letting cabinet decide what is fake news. Then “Something’s Happening Here” with host of the Greg Carrasco Show, Greg Carrasco.
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