The Power of Visioning

28 mag 2024 · 54 min. 49 sec.
The Power of Visioning

What would you love? Is there a longing in your heart to be, do, or have more in your life and you just don’t know ‘how’ to get there?  Is...

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What would you love? Is there a longing in your heart to be, do, or have more in your life and you just don’t know ‘how’ to get there?  Is there an ache in your heart for something more?  Maybe we long for more time with family, financial abundance, vibrant health, or deep loving relationships. We seldom ask ourselves what we would love.  We get so caught up in all the circumstances in our lives that we don’t take time to go inside our hearts and ask ourselves what we would love. You are not alone. Every one of us has a dream inside us, somewhere, of something we would love more in our life.  In this Episode we will explore the Art of Visioning and Designing a Life you Love. 
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