The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders (Part 2)

14 giu 2022 · 1 h 17 min. 36 sec.
The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders (Part 2)

In part 2 of the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, we continue to discuss possible suspects, including Gene Leroy Hart, the prime suspect in the case. But, it's not as clear...

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In part 2 of the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, we continue to discuss possible suspects, including Gene Leroy Hart, the prime suspect in the case. But, it's not as clear cut as it seems. Is he the actual killer of Lori Lee Farmer, Doris Denise Milner, and Michele Heather Guse, or were there one or more other suspects that caused their deaths? We also recognize the 45th anniversary of the murders, the new Hulu Documentary, "Keeper of the Ashes", and how this story relates to actress, Kristen Chenoweth. Episode #32

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