The Night a Rake Came into My Bedroom - My Paranormal Experience Episode 92

16 dic 2023 · 15 min. 32 sec.
The Night a Rake Came into My Bedroom - My Paranormal Experience Episode 92

Tonight’s guest, Kai, is an intuitive medium who has had encounters with several different kinds of frightening beings and entities. The most frightening encounter she’s had would, most likely be...

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Tonight’s guest, Kai, is an intuitive medium who has had encounters with several different kinds of frightening beings and entities. The most frightening encounter she’s had would, most likely be the time a rake came into her bedroom and smiled at her. Frightening as that encounter was, she’s had other encounters with other beings and entities that would come in as close seconds to that experience, when it comes to fright factor. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to her share those experiences.

If you’ve had a paranormal experience and would like to be a guest on the show, please go to and let us know.

Thanks for listening!
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Autore My Paranormal Experience
Organizzazione Sharmon Sink
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