The Money Nerve

17 mar 2022 · 28 min. 38 sec.
The Money Nerve

Bob Wheeler - Financial Expert & Motivator, Book Author & Founder of -The Money Nerve. As a man of true integrity with infectious energy, Bob Wheeler’s crusade for personal growth...

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Bob Wheeler - Financial Expert & Motivator, Book Author & Founder of -The Money Nerve.
As a man of true integrity with infectious energy, Bob Wheeler’s crusade for personal growth has cross-pollinated with his accounting practice to create a new approach to personal finances. His passion is to help others gain insights about how their emotions trigger financial decisions.
Combining finances with behaviors, Bob explores his personal concept of creating a healthy relationship with money - through his podcast, - an online course, and his book The Money Nerve: Navigating The Emotions Of Money.
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Autore Just Minding My Business Media
Organizzazione Just Minding My Business Media
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