
The Lorax - #2

12 set 2023 · 54 min. 43 sec.
The Lorax - #2

In this episode, Judy and Haley tackle some of your hardest topics. The two give their opinions and solutions in order to get past or accept these challenges. Some highlights...

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In this episode, Judy and Haley tackle some of your hardest topics. The two give their opinions and solutions in order to get past or accept these challenges. Some highlights that are discussed are accepting and dealing with emotions, causes of anxiety, evening anxiety, and raising children with mental illness. If you are interested in any of these topics, kick off your shoes, and let's get started. If you would like to watch live hop over to our youtube channel.

If you or someone you love is struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings, do not hesitate to call 988 in the US. Remember that it is okay to ask for help and you are loved!

If you have questions, feedback, topics you'd like us to discuss email us at
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Autore Haley Bearden
Organizzazione Haley Bearden
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