The KARS Group

19 nov 2020 · 47 min. 4 sec.
The KARS Group

Keisha A. Rivers is the President and Chief Outcome Facilitator of The KARS Group, LTD, where she specializes in assisting clients to facilitate outcomes by equipping their people to manage...

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Keisha A. Rivers is the President and Chief Outcome Facilitator of The KARS Group, LTD, where she specializes in assisting clients to facilitate outcomes by equipping their people to manage change. She is also the founder and Executive Director of The KARS Institute for Learning & Collaboration, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides training, resources and support to new and emerging nonprofits. Her work over the past two decades has included strategic planning, board and leadership training and development, organizational management, succession planning, funding and fundraising strategies. She believes in the power of engagement, learning and leadership in building and sustaining organizational success and has been instrumental in the formation and management of learning collaboratives, companies and nonprofit organizations. Learn more about The KARS Group, LTD at
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Autore Just Minding My Business Media
Organizzazione Just Minding My Business Media
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