The Kakle - E04

14 mar 2016 · 57 min. 3 sec.
The Kakle - E04

Episode 4 | Tanisha, Sherley and Season 1 Guest Host Sanka talks about: • ...Hello, remember me! Dusting off your childhood dreams and bucket list now that life made itself...

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Episode 4 | Tanisha, Sherley and Season 1 Guest Host Sanka talks about:

• ...Hello, remember me! Dusting off your childhood dreams and bucket list now that life made itself comfortable in your house.
• ...Are we stifling our kids creativity with the pillow called life's expectations?
• ...Let's be real! Dealing with adolescents is like going to war with menopause. "Things will go back to normal, just not right now. Goodluck!"
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Autore The Chonilla Network
Organizzazione The Chonilla Network
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