
The Groundhog Day Review, The Groundhog Day Review, The Groundhog Day Review

19 mar 2024 · 57 min. 38 sec.
The Groundhog Day Review, The Groundhog Day Review, The Groundhog Day Review

Deja vu? Or Broken record time travel? It's the fourth installment of the Time Travel Draft series! Joe's pick for romantic time travel is on the board with the 1993...

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Deja vu? Or Broken record time travel?

It's the fourth installment of the Time Travel Draft series! Joe's pick for romantic time travel is on the board with the 1993 beloved classic Groundhog Day.

With some talk of story and a discussion on the method/mechanic of time travel, we get a glimpse as to who is winning the Time Travel Draft so far.

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00:00--02:47 Intro
02:48--04:29 THE 15 SECOND SUMMARY
04:30--13:55 Plot discussion
13:56--15:01 How long has Phil been looping?
15:02--19:59 Phil's development in mundane hell
20:00--24:10 One more thing.
24:11--39:45 Time travel mechanics (the broken record time travel method)
39:46--42:47 Groundhog Day Darkness
42:48--46:59 They don't make movies like this anymore
47:00--52:59 Final scores
53:00--57:38 Time Travel Draft Score Checkin (who's winning?)
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Autore Joe Pedersen
Organizzazione Joe Pedersen
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