بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
*Tariqah Naqshbandi 'Aliyyah Singapore*
Sohbah at Naqshbandi 'Aliyyah Zawiyah Singapore
*Friday 21 Dec 2018/ 13 RabiulAkhir 1440*
When the Holy Prophet (S) received His first revelation of the Holy Quran, He was held firmly by The Archangel Gabriel (AS).
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) could move neither forward nor backwards.
This was the firm hold His Guide, Gabriel, had on him.
The Prophet's (s.a.w) first Sunnah was to take a Guide.
Tune in to this weeks' Sohbah to learn why it is of epitome importance to be Guided by a Living Inheritor of The Holy Prophet (s.a.w).
Excerpt form the above sohbah..
*The firm handhold of our Prophet (saw)*
Without the firm hand-hold of a True Mursyid, a believer cannot reach to his Divinely Ordained Destination, which is to return as the Most Beloved Servant, bearing a heart of _Qalbun Salim_.
*"He who has no guide, his guide is shaitan," Hadees.*
In today's world of ignorance, Mankind has left this most important Sunnah of seeking a _Waliyyan Murshida_, a Guiding Friend of Allah, hence shaitan has taken Man's hand, and made him a slave to his Ego, taking him away from the Honour of being Allah's Beloved.
Even sadder, the few chosen ones to have been given hidayah to take a guide, do not make him the Imam of their lives.
This worldly life is like a ship on the Ocean of dunia, and the Sheikh we follow is the Captain of that ship.
We must *devote* ourselves to learning from this Sheikh, follow his every order, teaching, example and guidance. Yet many are simply following their minds and egos, letting go of the firm handhold, which is that of Rasulullah (saw) and his inheritors.
Once the sea of dunia enters our boats, it will sink, and we join the billions whose lives have been fruitless and meaningless, becoming sewage in that sea of dunia.
Give your heart to your guide fully, so that he can unlock your heart and polish the jewels within, for you to reach to _Qalbun Saleem_, the Perfect Heart.
Only then will your passing be like the Wedding Night, the Night of Union.
Obey Allah, obey Rasulullah (saw), and obey those in Authority from amongst you.
The ego finds it very hard to do so, cos the only authority it recognises, is its own.
Bani Israel asked for a King to help it battle their enemy, Goliath. *Only with a Sultan, can you defeat your nemesis, you ego.*
Follow your Sultan humbly, and invite all of Mankind to seek a _Waliyyan Mushida_, the beloved servant with the firm handhold of Rasulullah (saw), who will take you across this treacherous ocean of dunia, right past the gate of death, in safety.
_Aslim, taslam._
In Islam, lies safety.