
The Decision for Dependency on God - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (58)

23 giu 2024 · 55 min. 22 sec.
The Decision for Dependency on God - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (58)

We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher in two sequences of the video presentation "The Power Of Decision Is My Own" in the Miracle...

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We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher in two sequences of the video presentation "The Power Of Decision Is My Own" in the Miracle Reunion Series, in which He offers us to find the true dependence on God. We are directed to the Course teaching that "Communication must be whole in order to be real" which is an invitation to remember a decision for truth instead of deciding between illusions. He also sums it up by teaching that we can only give to ourselves. Therefore it has to be a giving of Everything to myself, since myself is eternally an Effect of God Who Is Everything and in every thing as all there IS. ◊ 
We are using several selected parts of the Master Teacher's video MRS-03 - "The Power Of Decision Is My Own"  -

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