
The Bronze Ring - Story For Teenagers

22 gen 2024 · 11 min. 59 sec.
The Bronze Ring - Story For Teenagers

"In Sirenfall, Princess Helena's desire for a simple life leads her to love Gilbert, the gardener's son. Noble Rhoden seeks to marry her, prompting a challenge. Gilbert, aided by a...

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"In Sirenfall, Princess Helena's desire for a simple life leads her to love Gilbert, the gardener's son. Noble Rhoden seeks to marry her, prompting a challenge. Gilbert, aided by a magical ring, embarks on a journey to Shipland. Rhoden, squandering wealth, becomes destitute. Gilbert, with clever animals, thwarts Rhoden's theft of the magical ring. Reuniting with Helena on a golden boat, they return triumphantly. The king, true to his promise, allows their marriage. In a jungle home, Gilbert and Helena live happily ever after, fulfilling their dreams of a life surrounded by nature, a tale of love, challenges, and magic."
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Autore Vivek Gupta
Organizzazione Vivek Gupta
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