
The Acolyte Season 1 Episode 5 "Night"

28 giu 2024 · 45 min. 47 sec.
The Acolyte Season 1 Episode 5 "Night"

Some would describe the power of the darkside as... unnatural. Love it. Hate it. Whatever you're feeling, night has fallen on The Acolyte.  Nick and Joe get to the midpoint...

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Some would describe the power of the darkside as... unnatural.

Love it. Hate it. Whatever you're feeling, night has fallen on The Acolyte. 

Nick and Joe get to the midpoint of the series and discuss the episode's highlights and possible flaws.

00:00--05:37 First impressions
05:38--06:39 Applause for the choreographers!
06:40-8:30 Who is the Sith?
08:31--11:59 How does this end?
12:00-- 18:45 Is he Sith?
18:46--27:16 Day and Night. Osha and Maye
27:17--30:24 Star Wars Transitions: a History
30:25--45:47 Final Nitpicks
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Autore Joe Pedersen
Organizzazione Joe Pedersen
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