
TABLE TALK: The New Sixers Era Starts Soon!

17 giu 2024 · 20 min. 27 sec.
TABLE TALK: The New Sixers Era Starts Soon!

This week on TABLE TALK, Jeff sat down with Sean Barnard from the Pick Swap Media podcast and Philly Sports Network to discuss the Philadelphia 76’ers upcoming offseason, and how...

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This week on TABLE TALK, Jeff sat down with Sean Barnard from the Pick Swap Media podcast and Philly Sports Network to discuss the Philadelphia 76’ers upcoming offseason, and how a new Sixers era will be starting soon. What will the offseason look like in free agency and the Draft? Topics that Sean and Jeff dove into:
  • From a philosophical perspective, what direction should this Sixers team be heading in here in the summer of 2024?
  • Can Paul George really be the key to taking this team forward should they land him in free agency?
  • Will the team look much different this next season, or will they look somewhat similar to this past year after free agency is all said and done?
  • Talent to keep our eyes on during the NBA Draft who could help carve out a role on the Sixers during this new era.

All of this and much more this week on Table Talk!

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Autore The Philadelphia Sports Table
Organizzazione The Philadelphia Sports Table
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