
Swapped Bags: A Meet-Cute Misadventure

30 dic 2023 · 13 min. 20 sec.
Swapped Bags: A Meet-Cute Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

9 min. 45 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Swapped Bags: A Meet-Cute Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Bolo krásne jarné ráno, keď sa Marek a...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Swapped Bags: A Meet-Cute Misadventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Sk: Bolo krásne jarné ráno, keď sa Marek a Jana stretli, hoci ešte nevedeli že sa stretli, na letisku v Bratislave.
En: It was a beautiful spring morning when Marek and Jana met, though they didn't yet know they had met, at the airport in Bratislava.

Sk: Oba boli v rozpakoch a ponáhľali sa na svoje lety, každý s vlastnou cestou pred sebou.
En: Both were flustered, rushing to catch their flights, each with their own journey ahead.

Sk: Marek bol obchodný zástupca, ktorý mal ísť na dôležité stretnutie.
En: Marek was a business representative, heading to an important meeting.

Sk: Nesmierne si cenil svoj čas a prácu.
En: He valued his time and work immensely.

Sk: Mal pri sebe aktovku plnú dokumentov, laptop a všetko dôležité pre jeho prezentácie.
En: He had a briefcase full of documents, a laptop, and everything important for his presentations.

Sk: Jana bola cestovateľka, ktorá milovala dobrodružstvo.
En: Jana was a traveler who loved adventure.

Sk: Jej kufor bol plný oblečenia, suvenírov a denníka plného zážitkov.
En: Her suitcase was full of clothes, souvenirs, and a journal filled with experiences.

Sk: V nepozornej chvíli sa niečo stalo.
En: In a moment of carelessness, something happened.

Sk: Marek a Jana si vôbec nevšimli, že si ich tašky zamenili.
En: Marek and Jana didn't realize that their bags had been swapped.

Sk: Marek si odniesol Janinu tašku a Jana oklamaná vážnostou Marekovej aktovky, si myslela, že je to tá jej.
En: Marek took Jana's bag, and Jana, deceived by the seriousness of Marek’s briefcase, thought it was hers.

Sk: Keď Marek otvoril tašku v hoteli, zistil, že miesto prezentácií má plavky a letné šaty.
En: When Marek opened the bag at the hotel, he found swimsuits and summer dresses instead of his presentations.

Sk: Zdesený zavolal na letisko s nádejou, že si ešte môže tašku vymeniť.
En: Distressed, he called the airport in the hope of exchanging the bag.

Sk: Jana, ktorá práve objavila Marekove dokumenty medzi jej vecami, už volala na letisko tiež.
En: Meanwhile, Jana discovered Marek's documents among her things and also called the airport.

Sk: Našťastie, operátor letiska bol veľmi ochotný a pomohol im nájsť jeden druhého.
En: Fortunately, the airport operator was very helpful and assisted them in finding each other.

Sk: Marek a Jana sa stretli v kaviarni v centre Bratislavy, aby si vymenili tašky späť.
En: Marek and Jana met at a café in the center of Bratislava to exchange their bags.

Sk: Pri tej príležitosti sa začali rozprávať a zistili, že majú viacero spoločných záujmov.
En: They started talking and discovered they had several common interests.

Sk: Jana Mareka fascinovala svojimi príbehmi z ciest a Marek u Jany obdivoval, ako vážne berie svoju prácu.
En: Jana fascinated Marek with her travel stories, while Marek admired how seriously Jana took her work.

Sk: Napokon strávili celé popoludnie spolu, smiali sa svojmu výmenenému nedorozumeniu a plánovali, ako sa zasa stretnú, keď sa Marek vráti z pracovnej cesty.
En: In the end, they spent the whole afternoon together, laughing about their mix-up and planning to meet again when Marek returned from his business trip.

Sk: Keď sa rozlúčili, obaja sa tešili na nové príbehy, ktoré im ich nečakané stretnutie prinesie.
En: When they said goodbye, they were both looking forward to new stories that their unexpected meeting would bring.

Sk: A tak sa z jednej menšej chyby na rušnom letisku v Bratislave zrodilo nové priateľstvo, plné zážitkov a dobrodružstiev, ktoré čakajú len na to, aby boli objavené.
En: And so, from a small mistake at the busy airport in Bratislava, a new friendship was born, full of experiences and adventures waiting to be discovered.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: krásne
  • spring: jarné
  • morning: ráno
  • met: stretli
  • airport: letisko
  • journey: cesta
  • business: obchodný
  • representative: zástupca
  • valued: cenil
  • immediately: ihneď
  • briefcase: aktovka
  • documents: dokumenty
  • laptop: laptop
  • important: dôležité
  • presentations: prezentácie
  • traveler: cestovateľka
  • adventure: dobrodružstvo
  • suitcase: kufor
  • clothes: oblečenie
  • souvenirs: suveníry
  • journal: denník
  • experiences: zážitky
  • swimsuits: plavky
  • summer: letné
  • dresses: šaty
  • distressed: zdesený
  • called: zavolal
  • hope: nádej
  • exchange: vymeniť
  • assisted: pomohol
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