Student Voices in Charter School Advocacy

13 mag 2024 · 19 min. 18 sec.
Student Voices in Charter School Advocacy

Raise Your Voice! That’s the theme for the 2024 National Charter Schools Week celebration (NCSW). The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is thrilled to uplift the voices fighting for...

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Raise Your Voice! That’s the theme for the 2024 National Charter Schools Week celebration (NCSW). The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is thrilled to uplift the voices fighting for more students across the nation to have access to a high-quality public school education. During NCSW, the National Alliance honored seven changemakers who’ve gone the extra mile to meet the needs of students, families, and their communities. One of our changemakers, Daniyal Hussain, who is a senior at Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in New Mexico joined the podcast to share how he used his voice to create positive change.

Episode Takeaways:
  • National Charter Schools Week is an annual event to celebrate charter schools and the contributions to public education.
  • Student voice is vital to a school’s environment and encourages students to take ownership of their learning and impact their communities.
  • The 2024 National Charter School Changemakers have played a critical role in driving positive change to meet the unique needs of students in public education.


"Education reform advocacy is vital for daily life and can inspire students to pursue passions and careers in civic education." - Daniyal Hussain

"STEAM teaches teamwork, communication, resilience, and learning from failures." - Daniyal Hussain

Featured in the Episode

Daniyal Hussain
Senior at Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in New Mexico

00:00 - Introduction
02:25 - Faculty support and opportunities in education
05:08 - The Impact of Student Advocacy
07:20 - Advocating for community and education
10:23 - Importance of Securing IB Test Funding
11:36 - Advocacy club seeks STEAM network funding
14:05 - Funding needs for civic education program
15:36 - Nurturing Constitutional Understanding
17:37 - Future plans: University of New Mexico and advocacy
18:44 - Outro
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Autore Heartcast Media
Organizzazione Molly Ruland
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