
Stephen Stull, Director of the Sick 'N Wrong Film Festival Tells Us How To Get Into Film Festivals

26 ott 2018 · 1 h 4 min. 7 sec.
Stephen Stull, Director of the Sick 'N Wrong Film Festival Tells Us How To Get Into Film Festivals

This episode of Film Reverie we had the pleasure of talking to filmmaker Stephen Stull, who is also the Festival Director of the Sick 'N Wrong Film Festival a festival...

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This episode of Film Reverie we had the pleasure of talking to filmmaker Stephen Stull, who is also the Festival Director of the Sick 'N Wrong Film Festival a festival strictly for what he calls those "aggressively bizarre" films you generally only see at midnight screenings. Stephen was a lot of fun to talk to and had a lot to say about how he found and cultivated his creative voice and gave some great tips on what you should be thinking about when trying to get your film into a festival.

If you would like to get tickets to the Sick 'N Wrong film festival in Orlando, FL click this link:

And use the promo code "SnWFilmRev" to get a 25% discount on your purchase!
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Autore Michael Bekemeyer
Organizzazione Michael Bekemeyer
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