Stacey Bedford Talks with Us About DistroKid Acquiring Bandzoogle, What This Means

9 ott 2023 · 35 min. 5 sec.
Stacey Bedford Talks with Us About DistroKid Acquiring Bandzoogle, What This Means

The recent announcement that DistroKid was acquiring Bandzoogle was a shock to many. Episode 582: The recent announcement that DistroKid was acquiring Bandzoogle was a shock to many. We are...

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The recent announcement that DistroKid was acquiring Bandzoogle was a shock to many. Episode 582: The recent announcement that DistroKid was acquiring Bandzoogle was a shock to many. We are joined this week by Stacey Bedford, formerly the CEO of Bandzoogle and now the General Manager of DistroKid. Stacey discusses the acquisition. What it means […]
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Autore Michael Brandvold
Organizzazione Michael Brandvold
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