Sports of All Sorts:Author Mark Ribowsky talks about his book "In the Name of the Father: Family, Football, and the Manning Dynasty

26 ago 2018 · 18 min. 17 sec.
Sports of All Sorts:Author Mark Ribowsky talks about his book "In the Name of the Father: Family, Football, and the Manning Dynasty

My guest today is the author of the new book about the Manning Dynasty. Mark Ribowsky gives us a comprehensive look at Archie Manning and his 3 sons. The book...

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My guest today is the author of the new book about the Manning Dynasty. Mark Ribowsky gives us a comprehensive look at Archie Manning and his 3 sons. The book cover the highs and lows of the family.
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Autore The Grueling Truth Radio
Organizzazione The Grueling Truth Radio
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