Series 8 Episode 10 Aube Rey Lescure author of River East, River West

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Series 8 Episode 10 Aube Rey Lescure author of River East, River West
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Women’s Prize 2024 Longlisted author, Aube Rey Lescure author of River East, River West Aube chats about: - How being selective about perspective was one of the most important parts...
mostra di piùAube chats about:
- How being selective about perspective was one of the most important parts of the process in crafting her novel
- How her debut contains and was inspired by autobiographical events
- Writing and developing sex scenes that depict more of what sex can be about than the ‘sexy’
- How cinema is a huge influence on her writing
Aube’s reading recommendations:
Behold The Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue
To Live by Yu Hua
2666 by Roberto Bolaño
Tremors by Teju Cole
The Leftover Woman by Jean Kwok
Guest Author: Aube Rey Lescure Twitter: @AubeReyLescure IG: @aubenoisetteBooks: River East, River West by Aube Rey Lescure
Host: Kate Sawyer Twitter: @katesawyer IG: @mskatesawyer Books: The Stranding by Kate Sawyer & This Family
Novel Experience with Kate Sawyer is recorded and produced by Kate Sawyer - GET IN TOUCH or visit for more information.
Autore | Kate Sawyer |
Organizzazione | Kate Sawyer |
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