
Season 3 Episode 14 - Men's Emotional Regulation: Why It Matters

12 giu 2024 · 15 min. 13 sec.
Season 3 Episode 14 - Men's Emotional Regulation: Why It Matters

June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month and i wanted to do a episode that falls right in line. It is said many times that women are more emotional than...

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June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month and i wanted to do a episode that falls right in line. It is said many times that women are more emotional than men. It is said many times that men hold things in and have trouble expressing themselves. As a man who has had his own journey with mental health, I have learned so much about myself and my fellow man. This episode briefly touches on what emotional regulation is, why it is important, and what can men do to be better at regulating their emotions. 
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Autore Ra’Mone Marquis
Organizzazione Ra’Mone Marquis
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