Season 2 Episode 14 - Western Justice with Dave Duquette Part 2

17 feb 2021 · 39 min. 54 sec.
Season 2 Episode 14 - Western Justice with Dave Duquette Part 2

There is a lot of change coming to our great country. Western Justice founder, Dave Duquette, breaks down a few forth coming issues the western industry will face and ways...

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There is a lot of change coming to our great country. Western Justice founder, Dave Duquette, breaks down a few forth coming issues the western industry will face and ways everyone can help to protect it.

Want to hear more from Tommy Brandt 2? You can find him on Apple Music and Spotify. Him and his family also have a ministry called Cowboy Outreach America. Be sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram @cowboyoutreachamerica.

In this coming week, “may the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord smile upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

Guest: @westernjussticelf
Music: @tommybrandt2
Sponsor: @knzdesignmarketing : @rustyroan
Host: @clay_noel25
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Autore Clay Noel Barry
Organizzazione Clay Noel Barry
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