Samantha Demers: Imposter Syndrome

31 ott 2021 · 23 min. 48 sec.
Samantha Demers: Imposter Syndrome

For many years, Samantha Demers worked at the seat of power with the Government of Canada. She had her finger on the public pulse as an events coordinator, security and...

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For many years, Samantha Demers worked at the seat of power with the Government of Canada. She had her finger on the public pulse as an events coordinator, security and promotions officer, among other very cool positions.

Today, she is a Sherpa for those who have trouble getting out of their own way. A host on Twitter Spaces, Demers isn’t a stranger to the things she writes about. She creates a safe space for other creators who are afraid to start, whose limiting beliefs are holding them back, and who are afraid to open themselves publicly to share what they know that others might need to hear.
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Autore Debbie Elicksen
Organizzazione Debbie Elicksen
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