Sally Hayden on "My Fourth Time We Drowned"

25 ago 2023 · 41 min. 14 sec.
Sally Hayden on "My Fourth Time We Drowned"

In 2018, Sally Hayden received a Facebook message from an unknown sender, a man claiming to be writing from inside a Libyan detention camp. The conditions faced by him and...

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In 2018, Sally Hayden received a Facebook message from an unknown sender, a man claiming to be writing from inside a Libyan detention camp. The conditions faced by him and his fellow detainees were horrendous, and his desperate message came from a phone shared in secret among hundreds being held. “If you have time, I will tell you all the story,” he wrote.

The message kicked off a sprawling investigation that led Sally to interview hundreds of refugees and migrants who found themselves victims of the EU’s newly muscular efforts to patrol the Mediterranean Sea. The result of that investigation was "My Fourth Time We Drowned," named one of the New Yorker’s best books of 2022.

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