S4 E5 Pineland Underground - MAJ Bobby Tuttle and SGM Chuck Ritter

16 nov 2022 · 55 min. 23 sec.
S4 E5 Pineland Underground - MAJ Bobby Tuttle and SGM Chuck Ritter

From the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School's hit podcast Pineland Underground, SOFcast welcomes hosts MAJ Bobby Tuttle and SGM Chuck Ritter. We talk about the...

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From the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School's hit podcast Pineland Underground, SOFcast welcomes hosts MAJ Bobby Tuttle and SGM Chuck Ritter. We talk about the show's success, dirty deeds done right and cheap, and how podcasts are opening a whole new world of dialogue. All that and more on this episode of SOFcast!

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Autore US Special Operations Command
Organizzazione US Special Operations Command
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