S3E10 - Undgå at miste kunder og spilde dyrbar tid i din næste website design-process

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Med et performance-drevet design får du meget mere end en flot webshop eller et lækker website. Performance design kombinerer #CRO, #SEO og design-diciplinerne og sørger for, at dit nye website...
mostra di piùKristjana og Signe taler faldgruberne og forskrækkelser i desingprocessen igennem, får definitionerne på plads og oplister de stakeholders, steps og strategier du skal kende for at få dit design til at arbejde for din forretning. Lær også hvilket CMS, der passer bedst til dine designmål og hvordan du sikrer dig mod design dogmer og content kaos.
Afsnittet er på engelsk, lidt dansk, endnu mindre islandsk og indeholder endda et enkelt ord på latin.
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Produceret af No Zebra og Podcaster.dk
Optaget hos: Podcaster.dk
Redigering og Mix: Dennis G. M. Jensen / Podcaster.dk
Komponist: Henrik Pahlke Møller / Podcaster.dk
Introduktion Afsnittet i dag er på engelsk, da Kristjana er islænding. BONUS: Lær lidt islandsk. Listens to Kristjanas episode on UX Metrics here: https://www.nozebra.dk/insights/digital-performance-talks/e02-ux-metrics-og-tools-du-skal-kende-og-hvorfor
2.35 What is the biggest consequence when you are not doing performance design right? Missed business opportunity. Always consider where you can take your business with a new website to get the most of it. Make sure you have an aim for you design. Pretty is not enough. The customer's experience is the center of all. It should be effertless.
04.45 Common performance design mishaps when designing a new website People are rushing into the process = caos, stessed employees, missed results. You cannot create a succesfull new ecommercesite in 6 weeks. You need to prioritize your steps and goals. Listen to our episode "Forlæng levetiden på dit website to learn more about the proces" to learn more: https://www.nozebra.dk/insights/digital-performance-talks/s3e03-sadan-forlaenger-du-levetiden-pa-din-weblosning. You need a Project Owner/Manager-type to holp back and be the gate keeper for the process. Making a new website is magical. Bringing ideas to life.
08.50 What is Performance Design really? Makeing sure that your design is performance based. Not a one person dicipline.
10.00 Who is Kristjana A UX and UI Designer. Focus on website design but moved into marketing and content design. Most importantly, a Brand Designer. Bringing value from the Design.
12.40 Repurpose and scale across channels With quality design your work becomes easier and more effective. Visuals that speeks the volume of the campagin.
14.18 What are the most common mistakes in webiste projects Rushing. And missing the SEO and CRO steps. Make sure that google loves you site, and that it converts. Make sure that you understand your product completely. Remember to get a UX, CRO and SEO check to make sure that your website and design is performming. Scrutinizing youself is hard. Get help. Be realistic with what you can actually do. Get an expert to teach you. Bringning design elements to life is important. Showing people what design can do. Aligning user touch points.
18.45 Rabatkode til Digital Performance Day. Brug koden på at købe dine billetter til Digital Performance Day på https://digitalperformanceday.nozebra.dk/ 🤗
19.15 The Design Process step by step User and market research Goals and KPIs - what are we trying to do here? Map out your stakeholders and understand the tech. Kristjanas favorit stakeholder - the most invested person in the room. Finding the true decision maker and aligning expectations. 23.10 Your CMS choice is really impotant DynamicWeb Swift - effective and visally pleasing. Umbraco - Gives your the most design flexibility PRO TIP: Invest hours in frontend devemopment to make your brand shine. Shopify is quick an marketing focused.
26.00 Anchoring the design Frequent check-ins. Find your ambassador that will help you make the design a part of all digital efforts.
27.45 Creating you LEGO bricks Make sure you have all the bricks you need and combine them again and again to build your site. Why you should love your global elements / LEGO bricks.
31.30 Review you work with Specialists Invite your colleauges, agency, stakeholders, users. Listen to our CRO and SEO episodes: - https://www.nozebra.dk/insights/digital-performance-talks/s3e09-nej-seo-er-ikke-dod-sadan-sikrer-du-din-google-placering-i-fremtiden - https://www.nozebra.dk/insights/digital-performance-talks/s2e06-cro-conversion-rate-optimization-med-martin-tuxen - https://www.nozebra.dk/insights/digital-performance-talks/e01-google-vil-have-helpful-content-hvad-betyder-det-for-dig Why the full-service experience is better.
34.40 Invitation til live-episode d. 2. september, Aarhus Festuge Kom med i podcastteltet når Digital Performance Talks optager live på scenen under Podcast Festivalen ved Aarhus Festuge. Aarhus festuge: https://www.aarhusfestuge.dk/
35.10 What is always shocking to people when creating a website How time-consuming it is to produce the content for a website. Invest in quality pictures. That will bring your website to life. Even existing quality content takes time to fill in.
40.15 Re-cap: How to avoid wasting your potential when building a new website Research. Collect your content. Understand your design direction. Prepare to be humble. Work with people you trust. Remember to ask any question. Remember your goal and that you are a team. Choose the right CMS. Consider investing in photos - especially if you are going with templates.
43.45 Number one advice when starting a new website Create a file. Build your structure. Gather all your content and find your inspo.
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