
S1.E4 - An Explosive Recipe

16 ott 2023 · 32 min. 57 sec.
S1.E4 - An Explosive Recipe

Its now time to kick the story of capitalism off with a bang. Gunpowder did more than just change warfare. Its production and use completely transformed society, governance, and gave...

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Its now time to kick the story of capitalism off with a bang. Gunpowder did more than just change warfare. Its production and use completely transformed society, governance, and gave rise to one of the first modern industries. Nothing shows these changes better than the Ottoman Turks, the world's first gunpowder empire, and their 1453 CE conquest of Constantinople.

Battles of the Medieval World by Kelly DeVries, Martin J. Dougherty, and Iain Dickie
An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914 by Halil Inalcik, Suraiya Faroqhi, Bruce MacGowan, Donald Quartaert, and Sevket Pamut
Re-Orient: Global Economy in the Asian Age by Andre Gunder-Frank
A History of Islamic Civilizations by Ira M. Lapidus
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Autore Stolen Fire Media
Organizzazione Loom of Fate Media
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