Rural rejuvenation: The August House adds elegance to Windsor

3 apr 2023 · 16 min. 14 sec.
Rural rejuvenation: The August House adds elegance to Windsor

In this episode ound Bites of I am pleased to welcome Laura McLachlan, one of the founders and co-owners of The August House, a boutique inn located in Windsor, Nova...

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In this episode ound Bites of I am pleased to welcome Laura McLachlan, one of the founders and co-owners of The August House, a boutique inn located in Windsor, Nova Scotia. Laura and I got to know each other originally via a more corporate relationship as I had the pleasure of working with Laura during her tenure at the Nova Scotia Liqour Corporation. Like a lot of people seeking a new path, Laura has given up her corporate marketing position for life as an entrepreneur. In her case, it is life as an innkeeper as she is one of the founders and owners of The August House, an inn that, along with others is giving new life to Windsor.
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