Risk vs Reward

6 set 2023 · 46 min. 55 sec.
Risk vs Reward

Elyshia and I rewind the Daytona 400 race which was the cut off race for the playoffs. We discuss the two drivers who failed to make the playoffs by not...

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Elyshia and I rewind the Daytona 400 race which was the cut off race for the playoffs. We discuss the two drivers who failed to make the playoffs by not being able to point their way in because of getting hurt in activities nonrelated to driving the race car in the Cup Series. They were not able to win a race either since their return to full time racing.

My perspective comes from my own experience in the Cup Series as well as being hurt, not able to get back in the car as well as driving hurt. The professional race car driver has an obligation to car owners, sponsors, teammates, and manufactures who spend a great deal of money and time promoting this extension of the brand.

Check out our website at RaceTheory.Club
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Autore Elyshia Cope
Organizzazione eWN Podcast Network
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