Returning to Harmony with Dr. Paul Hubbert, Founder of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance.

11 giu 2024 · 1 h 44 sec.
Returning to Harmony with Dr. Paul Hubbert, Founder of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance.

Take a quantum leap and manifest health through vibrational healing with Dr. Paul Hubbert, founder of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance. Dr. Paul has an impressive list...

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Take a quantum leap and manifest health through vibrational healing with Dr. Paul Hubbert, founder of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance. Dr. Paul has an impressive list of credentials including a Ph.D. in Psychology, Multidimensional Sound Master, Reiki Master, and Crystal Power Grids worker, to name just a few. Join us for a captivating conversation exploring the nature of music in its multi-dimensional, holographic form, known as Holographic Sound and its ability to harmonize the mind, body and spirit.  
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Organizzazione The Transformation Network
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