Ramblesode - Omens and Superstitions
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Ramblesode – Omens & Superstitions On this week’s episode, Jas and Sherrie – your Audio Curators discussed the world of Omens and Superstitions. We all do it…you have certain beliefs...
mostra di piùOn this week’s episode, Jas and Sherrie – your Audio Curators discussed the world of Omens and Superstitions.
We all do it…you have certain beliefs that have been handed down to you by your parents or grandparents. Occurencase that bring a forboding warning –
‘Spilling salt brings bad luck unless you throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder;’ ‘A bird flying into your window means someone is going to die;’ ‘Step on a crack; break your mother’s back’
Why do we believe in this tom-foolery? What are their origins. Just like everyone has a ghost story….everyone has at least that one superstition they have to follow or be cursed with bad luck or get good luck.
What do you believe in?
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