Power Project Episode #105-Throwback to Jodie Webb with Colors of Hope #4

28 apr 2022 · 39 min. 51 sec.
Power Project Episode #105-Throwback to Jodie Webb with Colors of Hope #4

In this episode, we're throwing it back to my friend Jodie Webb. Jodie’s story is one of restoration and redemption. She has answered God’s call for her life and is...

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In this episode, we're throwing it back to my friend Jodie Webb. Jodie’s story is one of restoration and redemption. She has answered God’s call for her life and is fully living a life of purpose. By God’s grace, she has been able to transform childhood trauma into a lifelong mission that stretches across international borders to fully restore survivors and further prevent these atrocities.
Not only will you be inspired and empowered by Jodie’s mission but you’ll also hear about navigating the obstacles of starting a non-profit as well as balancing family life while pursuing a life of purpose.

In Season 3, we'll be hearing from Jodie about her newest projects.
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Autore Brandi Voth
Organizzazione Brandi Voth
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