"Player Empowerment", "Foul Mouthed Finebaum", and "Doc sets a record at the Rucker!"

3 mar 2021 · 1 h 34 min. 58 sec.
"Player Empowerment", "Foul Mouthed Finebaum", and "Doc sets a record at the Rucker!"

01 · - 01 James Sports Intro

3 sec.

02 · James Sports - James Sports Outro

1 h 34 min. 20 sec.


The NBA is said to have 'Player Empowerment' on lock due primarily due to guaranteed contracts, but are we startin to see a paradigm shift of sorts in the NFL,...

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The NBA is said to have 'Player Empowerment' on lock due primarily due to guaranteed contracts, but are we startin to see a paradigm shift of sorts in the NFL, in particular to the QB position? While I respect his take on most things sports related, Paul Finebaum swung and missed badly with his comments about Deion Sanders using Jackson State as a 'stepping stool'... All this so called 'hoop talk' lately bout players not from this ERA being "plumbers", we decided to spotlight my dude Doctor J and what he did at the infamous Rucker Park that won't ever be quantified by mere statistics, and Mos Def disqualifies him as a plumber! Y'all act like REAL COMP didn't exist til 2003...
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Autore The Shop Report
Organizzazione The Shop Report
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