Overcome Your Patterns & Triggers with Brent Bruning

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Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Tune in for a discussion with Master Hand Analyst and Transformational Coach Brent Bruning, as we discuss how to create a new...
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Brent Bruning is a IIHA Certified Master Hand Analyst, Author of The Power In Your Hands: Embark on a Journey to Discover Your Life Pattern: 100 Remarkable People Open Their Hands to Reveal the Ancient Art of #palmistry, and Tranformational Coach, with over 20k hands read including celebrities, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, Tony Robbins, Ben Stiller, Eminem, Vishen Lakhiani, and many more. Bruning deciphers the greatness you carry within yourself, and the life passions you are looking to discover. In his new book, The Power In Your Hands, Bruning decoded the secrets your hands hold, creates a map to your true life calling, and teaches the neural map of your nervous systems so you can live a life of greatness. https://www.thepowerinyourhands.com
For more show information visit: www.MariannePestana.com
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Autore | Marianne Pestana |
Organizzazione | Marianne Pestana |
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