Out of the Dust Ep58 - Bohnanza, Tainted Grail, and Duck Duck Go

7 gen 2020 · 17 min. 8 sec.
Out of the Dust Ep58 - Bohnanza, Tainted Grail, and Duck Duck Go

In episode 58 of the Out of the Dust podcast, Bryce brings Bohnanza out of the dust and a contributor dusts off Grand Cru, Bryce finishes reacting to BGG Con,...

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In episode 58 of the Out of the Dust podcast, Bryce brings Bohnanza out of the dust and a contributor dusts off Grand Cru, Bryce finishes reacting to BGG Con, reviews both Tainted Grail and the obscure Duck Duck Go, and counts down his Top 10 Games of 2019.

0:26 - Introduction
1:18 - Out of the Dust: Bohnanza
2:17 - Out of the Dust: Grand Cru
4:32 - Reaction: BGG Con, Part 2
7:10 - What I Have Been Playing: Tainted Grail
10:36 - Obscure Bryce Game: Duck Duck Go
13:10 - Top 10 Games Released in 2019
16:22 - Contact Info
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Autore Bryce Journey
Organizzazione Bryce Journey
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