
Opening Kickoff 7-20 Dan Wolken on College Football and Dave McCarthy on the NHL Return

20 lug 2020 · 1 h 34 min. 29 sec.
Opening Kickoff 7-20 Dan Wolken on College Football and Dave McCarthy on the NHL Return

On This Show: The guys discuss the Washington Football News that broke on Thursday and the NFL Players calling out the league. (1:00-32:00). Dan Wolken of the USA Today joins...

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On This Show: The guys discuss the Washington Football News that broke on Thursday and the NFL Players calling out the league. (1:00-32:00).
Dan Wolken of the USA Today joins the group to discuss the current outlook for the college football season including: whether there will be a season, the testing, what will it look like and more. (32:30-53:30).
Dave McCarthy of Sirus XM NHL Network joins us to talk about the NHL's return, will the 2 bubbles work, favorites to win it, the Rangers and Henrik Lundquist and much more. (54:00-END).
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Autore Dave Steinwedel
Organizzazione Dave Steinwedel
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