
"Once Again it's On"

19 gen 2024 · 49 min. 13 sec.
"Once Again it's On"

Episode 173: In this episode, Mark talks with Hip Hop duo "Young Black and Gifted" aka Azariah and Kidd Called Quest. Azariah, a guest on a previous episode is joined...

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Episode 173: In this episode, Mark talks with Hip Hop duo "Young Black and Gifted" aka Azariah and Kidd Called Quest. Azariah, a guest on a previous episode is joined by Kidd Called Quest to discuss their latest project "Once Again it's On". We talk about how they first linked up, using movie samples, the scene in Rochester New York and their early memories of Hip Hop music and culture.

Check out the new album on Bandcamp-

Mark also talks about dealing with the Chicagoland winter storm
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Autore Mark Jolliffe
Organizzazione Mark Jolliffe
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