On Sexual Power, Shame & Approaching Menopause - Suzy Williamson

10 nov 2019 · 32 min.
On Sexual Power, Shame & Approaching Menopause - Suzy Williamson

Sexual power, shame and approaching menopause are the key themes discussed here with Suzy Williamson, recent 'performing artist' at Devon's Drop The Story Festival.  'Solo Autobiographical Theatre' was the medium,...

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Sexual power, shame and approaching menopause are the key themes discussed here with Suzy Williamson, recent 'performing artist' at Devon's Drop The Story Festival. 

'Solo Autobiographical Theatre' was the medium, spanx pants, 3" heels and false breasts were part of the get-up, and sexual power the driving force.

Among many candid revelations, we discuss the pressure on older women to conform to society's expectations, as Suzy shares about her own dramatic examination of her sexual power.

"Screw you!" is an important message here. And Blondie, Bardot and Helen Mirren come into the conversation as does the 'weaponisation of cleavage'.

Although an intensely and primarily personal event, Suzy reveals how others felt a great benefit from her courageous and daring theatrical articulation. 

The concept of the 'shame hangover' from shadow work is discussed, and it's a pleasure to hear of how honouring an inkling to explore 'something missing' in one's life can be so revealing and powerful.

We conclude with her guidance to other women, who may be wishing to approach menopause positively, as well as her younger self, which is thoroughly heart-warming and inspiring, like the whole conversation.
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Autore Carl Munson
Organizzazione Carl Munson
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